Supposed to test on Thurs and just as soon as I made my bloodwork appt, I went to the bathroom and saw blood! What?!? I called back right away and the nurse wasn't really helpful.
"We don't like to see that, but it might not mean anything... still come in Thurs and keep taking your meds. We'll keep our fingers crossed."
I was so upset. I cried and cried. It was too good to think that it might just work on the first one.
But it's ok... I knew I just needed to be upset. We went into this with the longer-term view and it'll be ok.
I had dinner with a good friend who is in town visiting. I almost cancelled on her, but I thought, no, this will be good.
And, of course, as soon as I see her, I started tearing-up and told her what was going on, and just as good friends do, she listened, was empathetic and I started feeling better.
Thank goodness for old/good friends. Thank goodness for perspective. And thank goodness for my peace right now.
It's disappointing. I know it could still not be anything, but I'm also realistic, and I don't think this is good news. Having our family, however that happens, is just going to take longer. And I knew that.
(I also went out and got popcorn (Pir.ate's Bo.oty!), ice cream, chocolate and cookies!)
8 years ago