My dear little D,
You're 2, will be 3 this summer, and do you know we've been working to bring you a sibling since before you were even born?
We had 5 frozen embryos waiting to be your sibling and I knew how much time it would take that in April, I called our doctor and got an appt that May to talk about getting started again. He suggested we wait 6 months after you were born because adjusting to a new baby can be stressful and he recommended not adding surrogacy stress on top of it.
In August, I went away with Aunty N and Aunty P for Aunty P's girls weekend away before her wedding. During that weekend one of Aunty P's friends asked if we were going to do surrogacy again and we said we were going to contact the agency soon to get started again. That's when Aunty N said 'you know I'd do this for you guys'... and then started the year long journey with Aunty N who had two early miscarriages at 5 1/2 weeks each time.
We had lost 2 girls then. And we were sad.
And we also knew we had 3 more left and Aunty K stepped forward and said she wanted to carry a baby for us. Wow. So we started that year long journey with her. The next two were negative results and they were both the girl ones.
I was devastated. I guess I had always thought I'd have a girl. Knowing we had 4 girl embryos, the odds were in favor after you had worked right away. So I had pictured a girl for about 2 years... and we had the perfect names picked out for a girl after our grandmothers. But it wasn't meant to be. I had to do a lot of grieving after that second cycle with Aunty K.
And I did a lot of pre-grieving too. With 4 in a row not working I thought the chances are pretty low the last one will work. And we'll be happy being a family of 3.
But Aunty K was pregnant, and then they told us the numbers weren't rising appropriately (they were doubling but they wanted it higher than that). Then on Dec 23, I was dumfounded when we saw the heartbeat! And for the next month we were on pins and needles waiting for the genetic testing results to come back.
So finally at the beginning of Feb we were in the clear, into the second trimester, genetic testing behind us, we were feeling so great about your baby brother coming in August. You were going to be 3 years apart. And while we hadn't fully finalized a name, I had one picked out. He was going to be A, so we'd be ABCD altogether.
I kept thinking about what it would be like to hold him, and whether you'd be happy and jealous at the same time, and knowing I'd want to make separate special time for you. I was eager to have a baby again and not be as stressed about it as when I had you and had no idea what I was doing and felt badly when I couldn't calm you down.
I kept thinking that all my dreams were coming true. And I really meant it. I got over that I couldn't carry. You were in our lives and you were/are amazing. And I got over that I wasn't having a girl and I was thrilled to have another boy and looked forward to using all your old clothes on him again, and eager to see what it would be like to have two boys who would be brothers.
And then two weeks later, after I had announced it at work, I just happened to be available for an appt Aunty K was having and I didn't even think anything of it when they couldn't find the heartbeat and went to get another machine. I was so caught off guard when they made Aunty K go to another room with even bigger equipment and said, C, we're so sorry but there isn't a heartbeat.
I was in shock for probably a couple of weeks, even though I took time off for myself.
I couldn't believe this was coming to an end. That at 14.5 weeks of a pregnancy when I had just seen his face on the screen, he wasn't going to come into our lives. You wouldn't have him as a brother.
D, I want you to know that we really didn't want you to be an only child. That we wanted you to grow up with a sibling, to have that companionship both in your youth and into your adulthood. And we know there were no guarantees of what kind of relationship you might have but we wanted to do whatever we could to try, to try for you to have that.
And I know we still could. We could look into adoption or other ways. But we don't know that we have the emotional energy to keep going. We spent 10 years trying to have you, and I froze those embryos when I was almost 41. Today, I'm 45 and I just don't know that we can bring you a sibling in another way.
We love you so much and wish we could've done this for you.
We hope that you grow close to your cousins, to M and S who are closer in age to you, and to D and T, who are older. We hope you grow close to other family friends we have, C and N. And that you and A who have been best buddies since you were 2 months old continue to be good friends. And you'll make other friends that I hope can be there for you the way a sibling can.
Grandmaman was an only child and she said she always wished she had a sibling and that always stayed with me.
I really started our journey wanting 3 kids actually and when it was starting to look like having 1 was going to be challenging, I brought my expectations down to 2, and it turns out it's 1 for now. You. And you are more than we could've ever expected to have. You've made me a mom and you've made our dreams come true and you bring us so much joy. You are so fun and sweet and observant.
We love you so much
8 years ago
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