Thursday, March 18, 2010

Next Steps & Other Musings

Thanks for all your support with regard to our next steps in going to counseling. I believe it's the right thing to do.

My husband still thinks we can work all of this out without a counselor but I think there's some deep-seeded stuff that we just can't get to on our own. Our appt is next Wed evening. I'm eager for it but also a little scared. I know that counseling can sometimes make things worse before they get better...

But we did decide to start instituting a regular date night. I think I was craving quality time and need it in different ways. For example, it doesn't really count for me if we're being social with other people. I need intimate time with him - conversation, no interruptions, cuddling - and not being exhausted!

So, we both made an effort to be home by 7pm. We actually took a walk in our neighborhood, got good take-out shwarmas, ate it on our front porch and watched Mod.ern Family cuddling. It was splendid!

Other than that, I decided that I need to learn more about foster care/adopt and what it's all about. I did an ama.zon search for books on fostering - both positives & negatives from kids' and parents' experiences. I love ordering from there and getting the second-hand deals, and knowing that I'm 'reducing, reusing and recycling' books that way. I can't wait till they get here. They sounded good for anyone interested:
I'll let you know how they are.

And, I'm very much looking forward to Saturday & celebrating my birthday that day (the real day is Monday). It's a Game Day party because I don't like staying up late so we're starting at 2pm and I love games. My most favorite one is:

Has anyone played this? So, so fun!!

And finally, I learned more about St. Patrick yesterday via a pastor's listserve I subscribe to, and was inspired to let his passion run through me. This may be a little over-the-top religious for some of you but bear with me on the heavy parts as I paraphrase -

St. Patrick, whose feast day is March 17, suffered much, and was a mystical visionary; he heard voices, and never hesitated to go into peril as his only passion was to serve God and people in need. The famous Prayer of St. Patrick is always worth praying, especially:

“Christ be with me, Christ within me,
Christ behind me, Christ before me,
Christ beside me, Christ to win me,
Christ to comfort and restore me;
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ in quiet, and in danger,
Christ in hearts of all that love me,
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.”

St. Patrick was all about making peace among bitter enemies. And, St. Patrick served the poor.

It's intriguing how we piggback partying on top of this sanctity and couldn't help but ask  how can we take an opportunity to give back in this great, holy habit of reaching out?

There seems to be no better way to observe Lent, and prepare our hearts for Easter – or to do something grander than wearing green or downing a pint to commemorate St. Pat.rick’s Day.

Interesting, huh?


  1. WOW!!! Love this post... I just found out yesterday about the Christian meaning of St.Patty's day.... that prayer is awesome... love it and thanks for posting it... it's one that I could really pray everyday:)

  2. Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog to drop off some sympathy. I really appreciate it. I had no idea the religious meaning of St Patty's Day. Very interesting!

    I'm sorry if this sounds dumb but you said that you heard about my BFN post from LFCA. What's LFCA? Just curious. You cab comment back to me or email me at missedconception(at)yahoo(dot)com

  3. Holy crap I LOVE Apples to Apples. We play it every so often at our Friday night Game Nights.

    The running joke is that wheat is hilarious. So if anyone puts down the green card that says "hilarious" and someone has "wheat" as a red card, it's an automatic winner. LOL

  4. I have no patience for games. I try, I really do but my mind wanders ! Since you love them so much it's a great idea to play some at an afternoon birthday party. :)

    It is true that councelling makes things harder beefore they get better but it's a good thing. No more denial, real issues in the open, one knows where they're going, where they're from. Honesty is important while on this route. You're honest enough to acknowledge that there are issues and you want to talk it out. I think it's good.
